The Cure
Two intrepid travellers, peddlers and collectors of cures are wanting folk to take part in a series of games, in return for samples of their wares. They come seeking cures that have been passed down through the generations.
Whatever your problems are, the cure often comes from investing belief in; a person, a thing, a medicine, a strategy, an approach.... The power of the mind and our imagination to overcome in the face of adversity.
The Cure
Two intrepid travellers, peddlers and collectors of cures are wanting folk to take part in a series of games, in return for samples of their wares. They come seeking cures that have been passed down through the generations.
Whatever your problems are, the cure often comes from investing belief in; a person, a thing, a medicine, a strategy, an approach.... The power of the mind and our imagination to overcome in the face of adversity.
The Cure that is the key to finding freedom from all your woes, from the serious to the trivial......the Cure for a broken heart, the cure for backache, the cure for depression, the cure for potholes!
Engage with this pair of lovable characters, as they pitch up their stall on a street corner, chose a card, guess the mime, admire their potions and apothecary collection, play a game and collect a reward.
"I was intrigued’’.....‘’Great British eccentrics’’ ....‘’Perfect mix of clowning and mime’’...